How To Make 9th August Rice Pudding Day Calorie-Friendly
With around 111 calories per 100gms, Rice pudding is perhaps one of the safest desserts any individual can possibly gorge upon. A lot is owed to the basic contents of this delicacy which is enjoyed in hundreds of different parts of the world in hundreds of different ways. Recipe can thus, never pose a problem with anyone with some perspective.
The basic ingredients of any classic rice pudding dish are rice, milk and sugar. Addition these basics along with slight variations in the process of cooking can produce surprising delights. And what better way to experience any number of rice pudding recipes on the 9th of August, the national Rice Pudding Day.
This is the day when most restaurants and food joints will include tens and hundreds of different recipes from the world over in their menus. This is also the day when you are expected to shed your inhibitions as far as catering to your sweet tooth is concerned. If calorie however, seems to come into your way and wreak your 9th August plans, here is what you can do to make things guilt free…
Make Your Own Rice Pudding –This is perhaps the best way to ensure keeping the calorie off your dessert bowl. Spend the first half of Rice pudding day cooking your own rice pudding and spend the rest of the day enjoying the consequences of your hard work. This is sure to cut down on your total calorie intake through rice puddings on the 9th of August by half!
Opt for Skimmed Milk – Milk is one the most essential ingredients of Rice Puddings. Milk again, is a major contributing factor to the entire calorie content of the dessert. Using low calorie skimmed milk however, can help bring the calorie count down to a manageable extent.
Use Low Calorie Rice – Rice is a very important source of power-packed carbohydrates and thus, carries the burden of calories. Switching to low calorie rice like brown rice can help ease the issue to a certain extent.
Opt for Low Calorie Sweetener – Using low calorie artificial sweeteners especially the zero calorie sweeteners go a long way in easing the calorie content of rice puddings while maintaining its taste. This is a move that will also help diabetics and people suffering with other sugar related issues to enjoy the 9th of August without much to worry about.
Considering the fact that there are just 3 main ingredients in rice puddings each of which can be substituted with low calorie options, wise selection of rice, milk and sweeteners can help reduce the calorie content of this dessert by 30% or more. If you wish to enhance flavor, adding or sprinkling certain powdered spices like cinnamon, cardamom, clove etc. can make a world of difference without adding to your weight.